21 Cash Saving Tips For Your Pool.

The Healthy Pool, Ready To Dive In! Swimming pools and the maintenance needed to protect your investment is a vital aspect of the “enjoyable” part of pool ownership. To keep your pool in a healthy and safe condition throughout its life is an expensive proposition. Even more expensive if you are not on top of […]

Robotic Pool Vacuums

Save With Automatic Pool Cleaners Okay so you have your pool and you have been self-cleaning your pool to save money.  Starting very enthusiastically and slowly it becomes a daily chore, then a weekly hassle, and finally only as needed, if then. The trouble is your pool is taking longer to clean as your enthusiasm […]

Have The Right Pool Environment

Having The Right Pool Environment Will Save You $$$   The Pools’ Environment Is Important What does this mean? All things being equal your pool should be situated as follows: In an open space where it gets the most sun, to heat it naturally The pool pointing south or west is best. Away from any […]

Pool Leak Detection

Always Thinking You Need To Top Up, Why?   Do you feel your pool is leaking or even know it may be? Do you add water when you think you should not be having to do so? If you have this thought or feeling, there is an easy way to see if your hunch is […]