Save Money At Night
Turn the night into money saving activities You can save money at night by running your pool pump on off peak electricity. Just note whether your pump will disturb you or your neighbors sleep though. If need be, acquire a soundproof cover to ensure everyone gets a good night’s sleep, while your pool pump and […]
Look After Your Pool Equipment
Save Money, Keep Pool Equipment In Good Condition When it comes to items around the house (equipment, appliances, tools etc) each of us have a different way of looking after them. Some of us leave them where they were last used, even outside in all weathers. And then are bitterly dissatisfied when they refuse to […]
Don’t Over Filter Your Pool
Manage the time your pool filter runs to save money. You need to run your pool filter to gain a hygienic pool and to maintain this, as required. The real question is, what the correct amount of running time is, so the pool water is filtered and clean, say after a day’s heavy usage or […]
Use An Energy Efficient Pump
A Better Pump Saves Money. Traditional pool pumps are fixed speed and thus can be considered as wasting energy. This is due to the nature of filtration, which is a basic, low energy function. An energy-efficient pump can yield significant energy savings, (upwards of 18% and as much as $300 per year) when they are […]