Let The Sun Save YOU Money
Want to extend your swimming and fun season? Well yes, I want to heat my pool, but what’s the best way?
You can use gas or electricity to heat your pool. These can be expensive and so to save money, you need to turn down the temperature. You can make sure you have and use a solar blanket to reduce heat loss also. But at the end of the day the warmer the pool and the longer you want to keep it swimmable, the more money you will be burning up. Until that’s solar heating is used.
If you want to significantly reduce your heating energy bill, solar offers a very easy way to do so. The install cost of solar is very competitive with either gas or heat pump installs, but it has the added factor of being essentially free thereafter. No rising energy costs to contend with.
Even in a cooler climate, you will get useful energy for pool heating well into the fall. (Do look at the location and direction of the solar collector device installation and any shading trees. These all can impact the efficiency of the installation).
So how much extra warmth can I expect? As a general rule, you can look to gaining an extra 8 -12 degrees F, over an unheated pool. Of course, there will be heat loss at night (use a solar blanket to minimize) and on cloudy days also.
And how much solar collector do I need?
Generally, about 50% of the pool surface area. So, a typical 30 x 15 ft pool has 400 sq ft, so you will need 200 sq ft of solar collector. You can have more solar collectors.