
Welcome To The PaintNForget Chronicle

This Is The Place To Be For Imaginative Ideas, Money Saving Tips And Extra Fun, With Your Pool.

Look over our “blog” for an ever-growing set of thoughts, ideas, and tips you can make use of for your pool or spa.

Swimming Pool Ready To Enjoy

Thoughts to add value or new concepts to your pool and its surroundings, ideas to bring to your (re)design or existing pool to be re-engaging and enjoyable. Tips to save you time, money, and energy, while maximizing the enjoyment of your pool or spa.

Having a Pool (or Spa) in your yard shows you appreciate and enjoy the good life and want and deserve a few extra luxuries, even if the budget is tight. Within The Chronicles you are going to find ways to stretch your budget, and increase your enjoyment, and that of your family also. So don’t stand on the side lines, dive right in!


Latest Blog Post

Save Money With Solar Pool Heating Let The Sun Save YOU Money Want to extend your swimming and fun season?  Well yes

Robotic pool vacuums

Robotic pool vacuums Save With Automatic Pool Cleaners Okay so you have your pool and you have been self-cleaning your pool to

Look After Your Equipment

Look After Your Equipment When it comes to items around the house (equipment, appliances, tools etc) each of us have a different

Look After Pool Water Chemistry Pools are very simply, mild chemical baths. Most pools and spas use some form of chlorine for

Pool Leak Detection

Pool Leak Detection Do you feel you pool is leaking or even know it may be? Do you add water when you

Have the right pool environment You have your pool or you’re a planning one, either way you want to make sure it’s

It’s the perfect material for swimming pools Fiberglass resurfacing is an evolving technology that has been used in the swimming pool industry

Reduce The Temperature

Lower Temperature, Lower Costs You can expend the swimming season by the use of a pool heater, gas or electric. However, for

Don’t Overclean Your Pool. We all want to have a clean pool and so having an automatic pool cleaner is one good