Save Money and Effort With A Pool Cover
If you want a BIG return on a small investment, then a pool cover is the place to start. Why?
When your pool is covered, you are going to benefit by:
- Reduced energy costs.
- Reduced water replacement costs.
- Reduced Chlorine treatment costs.
- Less cleaning needed, (costs)
- Safety will be enhanced with potential savings there too.
How Do I Save Energy Costs?
Simply put, a cover will reduce the heat transfer at night out of your pool, meaning it retains more heat and will thus need less heating. This will be most noticeable in cooler climates and at the beginning and end of the swimming season, when you require heating to extend the swimming season. Your pool heater will be working much less and save you energy costs, more so now as prices are high. You can enhance this feature by making use of a solar pool cover.
So how effective is a solar blanket?
It will enhance your swimming experience to varying degrees depending on a few factors. As an idea if your pool gets 6 hours of direct sunshine then you can look forward to a rise in temperature of 10 – 15 deg F. Very handy.
And at night it will keep the pool warmer as well, by restricting the amount of heat loss.
A university study found that for an outside pool a saving of over 30% was achieved on pool heating costs.
So go and get a pool cover and start saving now.
What To Do About Water Evaporation?
Water evaporates from your pool and the hotter and windier the conditions the faster this occurs. And lower atmospheric humidity, only adds to water loss.
Water charges can be high and to have to top up your pool every few days soon adds up to significant costs. And not only this, but the added water, depending on where it comes from, may upset the established chemical balance in your pool also. Meaning more costs.
So, a pool blanket will reduce this as well. Want to know by how much? Cal Poly Studies on many different pool banket type covers established that with any of solid track covers, foam covers, bubble covers you can expect a 90+ % saving in water evaporation rates. A big deal if you in a dry, expensive water location.
Stop Your Chlorine Loss.
All things being equal, in your pool, the largest degrader of the effectiveness of your pool chlorine is UV light from the sun. An easy way to prevent or significantly reduce this is with a pool blanket. So, you will need to add less chlorine reducing both time and money spent. If you have a saltwater pool, then your chlorinator will work less saving energy costs also.
You Mean Less Cleaning Also.
Yes we do! Your pool is open to the world and everything passing by can drop in. From nuisance leaves, twigs, seeds and cones. Then there is windblown dirt, dust, sand and spores. The vegetation material will decompose and usually provide a great nitrogen base for algae to take hold in every nook and cranny. Before you know it, your pool is green and developing the hanging gardens of Babylon!
Leaves on the bottom will mean more cleaning of the leaf collector in your automatic pool cleaner, more work.
Leaves that don’t drop to bottom, will tend to block your skimmer basket and be a mess to remove every day. Such blockages reduce pump efficiency and add to the costs of running it.
Oh, and what about bird life pooping into your pool to accelerate the greening?
Lastly the added organic load in your pool, means your pool chlorine is used up faster trying to maintain safe and healthy pool.
Want to save on these costs and hassles, go with a pool blanket. It’s easy
Improving Pool Safety
Depending on the on the type of pool cover you can significantly enhance pool safety when the pool is not in use. The automatic pool covers offer the best protection against accidental pool entry. A mesh type will be second choice, but unless you have a “bubble” cover underneath, it will not offer any advantages re chlorine, evaporation and leaf dropping savings.
A floating “bubble” type banket is not in of itself a safety cover, against accidental pool entry.